I used whey from my awesome Greek Yogurt Recipe in this pizza dough! You can use water instead – I just happened to keep the whey for just this purpose!
The crusts freeze really well for a quick dinner with whatever you have on hand at the time!
- 12 oz liquid whey (or water), warmed to 100 degrees (my breadmaker warms the liquid!)
- 1 Tbs apple cider vinegar
- 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- 4 cups all purpose flour
- 3/4 tsp salt
- 2 tsp dry active yeast
- Layer items in breadmaker pan, in order, yeast in well on top of flour
- Press dough cycle
- When complete, remove from breadmaker pan, place in greased pan and turn to coat all sides, cover with towel and allow it to rise for an hour
- Remove from bowl, divide into 2 balls for larger crusts, or 4 for individual size pizzas
- On a well floured surface, press dough out to a circle - I used a floured rolling pan as well
- Preheat grill
- Place dough onto lightly greased pan, and then make the rest of the crusts
- Place dough onto well greased grill pan and grill until black grill marks form, flip over, grill other side
- Preheat oven to 425 with a pizza stone in the oven while preheating. OR you can bake them in the grill (they just have to be very carefully watched!)
- Top pizza with sauce and desired toppings - we used deli turkey, peppers, onion, pepperoni, goat cheese, fresh mozzarella, basil from the garden, mushrooms, and parmesan cheese
- Slide pizzas onto preheated pizza stone (this makes the crust crispy!) and bake approximately 15-17 minutes, watching the last few minutes
- Remove from oven, allow to cool 5 minutes
As always – enjoy!!