Love me some peaches. So does my daughter! Truth be told, she was absolutely horrified when I told her I was going to make “peach pickles”! She said “don’t waste PEACHES!”
However, all good 🙂 They are fabulous! These are a great summer side dish or a top to a salad.. Or good on fish or chicken!
1/2 cup white balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp kosher salt
1 cup water
about 1 pound fresh peaches
2 mint sprigs
Bring all brine ingredients to a boil over medium heat in a small pan. Remove from heat. Cool, stirring occasionally. I hastened the cooling process by placing the whole pot in the fridge. LOL
Cut peaches into slices. Place in 24 oz glass container. Add the mint sprigs. When brine is cool, pour it over the peaches. Screw that lid on tight, and place in the fridge for 12 hours. Enjoy! These will keep a week in the refrigerator.

As always – ENJOY!!!