I’ll admit, I have NEVER bought Meyer Lemons before I tried this recipe. Well, I’m hooked. And you will be as well.. So delicious, you can smell the lemons from afar.
- Meyer Lemon Curd / Filling
- 2 large eggs and 2 large egg yolks (you won’t need the whites for anything so you can save for another use)
- ½ cup white granulated sugar
- 1 tsp finely grated lemon zest from Meyers lemons
- ½ cup juice from 2 Meyer lemons
- Small pinch kosher salt
- 2 Tbs unsalted butter, cut into small cubes
- Fill a medium size pan with 2” of water and heat over medium, until almost starting to boil. Meaning bubbles forming but not breaking open.
- Combine eggs, egg yolks, and sugar in a bowl that fits over the pan, but doesn’t touch the water. Place over the pan and whisk constantly so the mixture gets thick but the eggs don’t actually cook like scrambled eggs. Continue to whisk until the mixture gets pale and forms a ribbon when you pull the whisk out. Should be around 140/145 degrees on instant read thermometer. Remove the bowl from the heat, allowing pan to remain on the heat.
- Stir in zest, juice and salt. Whisk and then place back over the heated water. Continue to stir/whisk as the mixture starts to thicken. Around 170/175 degrees the curd will be thick as chocolate sauce. Press the mixture thru a fine sieve to remove any cooked egg pieces or zest. Whisk the butter in one cube at a time until the mixture is glossy and smooth.
- Cool, cover, refrigerate for at least 8 hours or overnight.

As always – enjoy!